train rails
part 1

More about the release
1 Notes

One intention of the cuentos cortos con consonido, short stories with sound, label was to make collaborations to release art. Despite some successes this did got any traction really. The main intention tbh. I did make releases regardless, because it is how it is. I wouldn't say i'm a painter or illustrator. I guess the results show this, at least often. One can do simple drawings, though. I like some. I bought myself brush pens, i never had these before and i think i didn't even knew they existed. But i'm still no painter or illustrator and don't plan to become one except such simple drawings. Cover art is the goal here not much else. I regularly used photography for cover art before, the effort there is in finding where and what to take a picture from. Probably will do this again in the future, it's not either or but both. Possibilities. I'm definitely not a film maker either and unlikely will become one, but one can do simple films with a smartphone today and cut and edit them with an app. Being the 10th and planned final release something different seemed to make sense, so some videos. There will be 4 parts and the completion will be in stages. This means, that i'll edit this release later and add the remaining parts until finished. Both the 4 songs and the videos will be on well other platforms, but i want to have some bonus song or kind-of bonus song as part of the release before it's finished. No time schedule, because there are things to be done, but the "plan" is a few weeks.

Release Notes (1)

- not finished -

remaining parts will be added later

Record details

Music, Video, Art
Release Date
19 February 2025
Catalog Number

10 - Trip to a small mountain

Created by

The 10th release of cuentos cortos con sonido. A bit different, with real videos. And i think it's the last of this label. Focus is the music, maybe the fitting 'short story' is the history of this label and its releases.

  • not finished!! , it's at part 1 of 4
Limited run of 55