10 - Trip to a small mountain

The 10th release of cuentos cortos con sonido. A bit different, with real videos. And i think it's the last of this label (So new things will be released at another label ). Focus is the music, maybe the fitting 'short story' is the history of this label and its releases. I'm pretty proud of this release :-)

The search for a home

That purple bunny which evolved as the glbkst avatar - which would be a long story in itself - or at least the profile picture which stayed. I never thought about if it has a home. Until recently. And i decided to think about it.



By glbkst


Doesn't exactly fit here, because it's a "normal" song or a snippet of the song. I added a poem, though.

Moon No.4

Moon No.4

By glbkst


A drawing and a soundtrack



By glbkst


A surprising encounter, which then requires someone to think about the near future.



By glbkst


The short trip reached Arras and a small dog is found.

king of none

king of none

By michy and glbkst


a lone boy marches to the beat of his own drum, drawing villagers from far and wide to dance along to his mesmerizing rhythm. but when the prideful king, accustomed to absolute control, feels his power threatened, he sets out to crush the boy's influence. What follows is a clash not of armies, but of souls



By glbkst


A shorter short story

Short Trip I

Short Trip I

By glbkst


A "commemorative release" currently without something to collect. This is the 4 piece soundtrack/shortstory/cover art combination which came first. And a co-creation.

Small Lake

Small Lake

By glbkst


a short story with soundtracks