Cover art by @littlebirth
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

More about the release

The 4 items were created first as music NFTs. It was after thinking about what would make sense for the medium, for a digital collectible. There are other forms possible to do so of course like this one here. And maybe a bit too experimental i used different platforms for the 4 NFTs and none was minted by someone else. Well maybe no one liked the songs. There exists a later made variant of the 3rd song, though. A song can evolve. And 2 of the covers where drawn by the artist @littlebirth which made this series better. It being as described kind-of a re-release i'm not sure to put files into the "included" section and would describe it currently as an release to look at, not really to collect.

The 4 part short story :


Kai sets off from a small village to visit the nearby town, he doesn't have a specific destination there, but he wants to look for new pants. It's a beautiful day with clear skies. And yet, perhaps foreshadowing, a few minor things went wrong in his travel preparations.

Unwanted Encounter

About an hour after he left his home village, Kai crossed paths with three slightly older boys. Whatever it was, his younger age, his looks or just a random decision to annoy someone. The three of them called after him and started making fun of him. He tried to ignore it and quickened his pace, but they caught up with him. He mumbled that he was in a hurry to reach the city. That didn't stop them and they blocked his way. One of them started pushing him and Kai took a few steps back. Then one suddenly moved quickly and pushed Kai harder, causing him to fall to the ground.

At that moment, someone not far away shouted something loudly, but Kai couldn't see who it was, his view was blocked by the three boys. They turned around and seemed disinterested, but nevertheless shrugged their shoulders and went on their way.

Unexpected Good

"My name is Ivy," Kai recognized the voice that had called loudly earlier and at first only saw an outstretched hand because he was still on the ground and a little confused. He looked up and saw the girl who belonged to the voice and a few others looking friendly at him. A positive turn of events. As he learned, Ivy and the small group were heading towards his hometown. Hoping for an opportunity to thank Ivy and her group for their help, even if only with a refreshing glass of water, he decided to turn around and return as well. His shopping in town could wait a while and be done another day. For today he was just happy and satisfied that he met nice people. For the moment, he didn't even want to get upset about the previous events or think much about them. And so the little group walked along the path, chatting about this and that.

The Return

It felt like no time when Kai, Ivy and the rest of the small group reached his home village. But because it was already rather late in the day and the village being only the end destination for Kai, there wasn't really much time for them to stay. Therefore Ivy and her friends moved on after a brief farewell. They wanted to reach the next town before it got dark. But Kai wasn't to unhappy about it, because he was still hyped about the friendly encounter and having meet the group. Because Kai returned earlier than planned for the original short travel he had some time left on this day. So he got home picked up his guitar and started to improvise. He played some melodies for practice and fun.

CategoryMusic, Art
Release Date21 July 2024
Catalog NumberN/A

Short Trip I

Created by

A "commemorative release" currently without something to collect. This is the 4 piece soundtrack/shortstory/cover art combination which came first. And a co-creation.

Collected by
Limited run of 11